This documentary short “Girls Matter” examines the work of Allison “The Youthpreneur” James, the founder of Girls: Live, Love, Laugh, and the impact of her organization on girls’ lives at a critical time in our nation’s history, where positive stories about little Black and brown girls are far and few between.
Girls, particularly girls of color, are all too often silenced and ignored, so in this short film, we also felt it important to amplify the voices of young girls like 9-year-old Kamryn Onque, who is the Ambassador of GLLL. We center their stories and celebrate their brilliance . . . because #GirlsMatter too.
(Documentary courtesy of Lightbeam.)
Film by: Lisa Durden, Director/Producer/Editor
Shangze Li, Cinematographer/Editor/Sound
Sofia Zhang, Producer/Editor/Sound
Yu Jiang, Cinematographer/Sound