Since I was little, I have always had a fear of losing balance, both physically and metaphorically. Every opportunity I got, I shied away from learning how to ride a bike or scooter. My parents said that it was easier to learn when I was young, as my feet were closer to the ground, but I never embraced my chances.
As I am going to college in the fall, I know learning how to ride a bike is an essential skill to navigate around such a large campus. Now that school is over and I have some spare time in my summer break, I felt like there was no better time to learn.
I know my “fear” is more of a mental block than a physical block so I knew I had to set my heart out to learn. Starting with a scooter, I made it my goal this month to learn and practice. I was hesitant at first, so I took all of the safety precautions and wore a helmet, elbow pads, and knee pads. I practiced every day until it became second nature and I no longer needed pads. Now, I even find enjoyment in it, especially feeling the breeze as I pass through green scenery.
I am so glad I was able to overcome this obstacle. As the motivational quote goes, “It is never too late to learn something new,” and I fully believe it. While riding a bike or scooter may seem easy to some, it is more challenging for others like me.
For my next adventure, I am learning how to drive! As of writing, I have learned how to park, turn, and use the buttons on the dashboard. Even though driving is more complex than biking, as there are more controls besides pedaling and steering, I was quickly able to get a feel of accelerating and braking. Now I am focused on carefully controlling the steering wheel. Being on the road is still a little intimidating, but I am working on being a safe driver and improving my driving techniques.
In college, I am sure I will have new fears when I am on my own. However, with the mindset of being prepared and saying “yes” to the learning opportunities that come my way, I believe I can conquer them, just like I did learning how to ride a bike.