Ten years ago, Born This Way Foundation was founded with the understanding that powerful things can happen when we are brave enough to share our story. Each young person who shared their story at a show, online, on Channel Kindness, via our research surveys, and more, has helped to lead, shape, and inform every Foundation program. It is their kindness, bravery, and compassion that fuels our collective work building a kinder and braver world.
For GivingTuesday, we are kindly asking that you help to continue this effort to shift global culture and structures toward kinder, more connected communities that foster mental wellness. With your donation, Born This Way Foundation can support young people through programs like:
- The Kindness in Community Fund, a fund supporting grassroots nonprofit organizations across the country working tirelessly to meet the diverse needs of the youth communities they serve. This year, Born This Way Foundation invested $1,000,000 across 22 incredible organizations.
- The Be There Certificate is a free, online mental health course that provides a simple and actionable framework, teaching young people (and anyone!) how to recognize when someone might be struggling, understand their role in supporting that person, and learn how to connect them to the help they need and deserve. Over 13,000 people this year have earned their certificates!
- Channel Kindness, a platform where people can find and share stories of kindness and take kind action in support of their own and their communities’ wellness. Over 800 stories have been published and people have taken over 13,000 actions on the platform to date.
- Our research, which ensures our programs are informed by young people’s needs and insights. This year we published a report on peer support in college mental health and on young workers’ access to kindness and mental health support in the workplace.
Thank you for everything you are doing to help build a kinder and braver world. We are forever grateful.
Click here to donate $5, $10, $50, or more for GivingTuesday.