Kind Acts on World Kindness Day

November 13, 2020
This story took place in United States

In celebration of World Kindness Day, here are 10 kind acts that our young CHANNEL KINDNESS authors have engaged in! Check out these acts of kindness below, be inspired to engage in your own act of kindness, and don’t forget to order your book today!


Abbey Perl reminds us about the kindness behind paying-it-forward:


Taylor Parker emphasized the kindness behind just being there for someone you love:


Tyrah Majors talks about the kindness she received at work:


Rose Nguyen reminds about the kindness in friendships:


Maria Mongiardo tells us about the simple acts of kindness we can share with our family:


Perri Easley shares how kind words really do go a long way:


Josh Greenblatt talks about the kindness he received from a stranger on the subway while he was feeling upset:


Hana Mangat shares how she received kindness on her special day:


Jessica Zhang shares how she found kindness in the midst of the COVID pandemic:


Elyse Notarianni reminds us that the kindness of strangers really does make a difference:


Connor Long recalls a time in which a stranger surprised him with kindness! 


We hope you continue to engage in your own acts of kindness today, tomorrow, and always! And if you’d like to order CHANNEL KINDNESS, click here!