My sister Maya and I along with our friends, Lakshanya, Ved, Aarini, Ronit, Kavindu, Imaaya, Arisha and Ishaal, started a club called, Mission BE A Resource (BEAR) with the goal of spreading awareness about Rainbow Rooms (where CPS workers can go and get supplies for abused and neglected children) and supporting underprivileged children through donations and volunteering.
We thought of doing this because we heard our parents talk about an abused child, CPS & foster care, and we felt sad. Since September, despite COVID, with our parents’ help, we have volunteered for our community by wearing masks, socially distancing, and using social media. We donated supplies to the Rainbow Room at Fort Bend and purchased Christmas gifts for foster children. We volunteered at the Sugar Land Turkey Trot, Fort Bend KIA 30K, and Harris County Rainbow Room Christmas toy drive. We have helped sort books and make kids meals.
We have made Valentine’s cards for Meals on Wheels, snack bags for Lunches of Love, and volunteered at food banks. We are very lucky to have parents who care about us and give us everything we ask for, but not everyone has that opportunity so we want to help other children who are in need. Our parents are Indian, but we were all born here. When we visit India, we see the amount of poverty there is. Until we started volunteering and learning about foster children we had no idea how many kids in America are abused and neglected and depend on free school meals! When the arctic weather hit Texas recently and affected all our lives we realized how important it is to help each other and share what we have. When a stranger thanked us and told us, ”God bless you” for loading food into his car, we were all moved to tears. It is such a pleasure to be able to help someone.
According to the dictionary, kindness is the quality or state of being kind to others. Kindness can be used as a domino effect, too. By doing one kind deed, we can make someone happy, so that person can go on to make another person happy, and that way, we can spread kindness and love not only amongst ourselves, our school, and our neighbors but with the whole world, too. By starting this club and getting together as a team, volunteering has become fun especially now that we rarely get to meet our friends. We are thrilled to be able to serve our community together.
Kids can make the world a better place, by spreading kindness and love!
Follow us on Twitter @BearMission.