Happy Valentine’s Day: Your Words Matter

February 14, 2020

Pledge to Take Action

If you are a new or seasoned member of Born This Way Foundation’s community, you may know by now that I love writing cards. You cannot overstate the power of writing a kind note to a loved one, a stranger, or even yourself. Your words carry the power of kindness to radically transform how someone else’s (or your) day is going.

I know that Valentine’s Day can be difficult for many, especially if you’re feeling lonely or feel you’re lacking in love. Please know that you’re not alone and Team Born This Way Foundation is using this day to celebrate the power of kindness. Today, we invite you to join us in spending extra time loving on our friends, coworkers, beloved baristas, partners, selves, or anyone else. To help us celebrate, our friends at Minted gave our team beautiful cards that we can use to write Valentine’s Day messages. So I’m going to write cards to my family, nonprofit organizations we have the privilege to work with, and to the strong village of women in my community who love on my family so well. My daughter Logan even joined the fun with a card for her best friend, Nolan.

You can also keep up with the journeys of our cards today by following us on Twitter and Instagram.

I hope you spend today sharing kindness with people around you and yourself. Whether you’re writing a thank you card or reading positive affirmations to yourself in the mirror, I hope your day is filled with love.

You can also share community with your loved ones by sending them this link to join Born This Way Foundation’s community.

Happy Valentine’s Day!

In Kindness,

Maya Smith
Executive Director

Pledge to Take Action