For Born This Way Foundation, especially as we celebrate ten years of building a kinder and braver world, Mental Health Awareness Month and Pride are year-round calls to action, demanding we care for ourselves and others, build meaningful community, and share accessible resources that can change and save lives.
These core beliefs guide everything that we do – for and with young people – and we are so proud to announce this June, Born This Way Foundation is partnering with CenterLink: The Community of LGBT Centers to highlight, support, and encourage engagement with emerging LGTBQ+ community centers across the country. These organizations are doing urgent work to support the basic needs of the communities they serve and we want to celebrate and invest in them, and in their communities. Born This Way Foundation will donate (and match!) all funds raised in June to these organizations to help continue their work.
Click here to find an organization near you and get involved, and click here to donate to help these organizations’ efforts go even further.
Research from young people tells us that any threat to their safety, any question of their identity, and any barriers to necessary resources affects their mental health. LGBTQ+ youth, and especially Trans youth, are witnessing callous debate in political, academic, and community spaces across the country about the validity of their identity and existence. By donating your time, treasure and talents to these organizations, you will help connect young people with accessible, free, informed resources, and you will remind young people they are not alone and support is available.
And to any young person reading this or any adult who can share (or needs to receive) this message: We love you, we affirm you, we respect you, and we celebrate you for exactly who you are.
Click here to donate in support of LGBTQIA+ youth across the country.