‘The Kind Mouse’ Empowers Youth To Address Childhood Hunger, Feeds Over 1 Million Tummies

October 17, 2024
Mia Vanessa, also known as Mia Fly Girl, is a Filipina-Cambodian-American model, international titleholder, author, coder, PPAC dancer, and flow artist. She is the founder of BeYOUtiful, Be Fly, and Tiara Tea Time, as well as the President of the Kind Mouse Organization. As the author of Finding Yourself and a survivor of bullying, Mia is dedicated to encouraging others to love themselves, embrace their differences, and spread kindness. Inspired by her late grandfather, her mission is to give hope to the hopeless and uplift those around her.
This story took place in United States

Pledge to Take Action

As the president of The Kind Mouse, a 501(c)(3) non-profit based in St. Petersburg, Florida, I have been a leader in addressing childhood hunger and mentoring the next generation of leaders. The Kind Mouse is more than just an organization; we are preparing future leaders as young as 5 years old who believe that no hardworking individual and their family should ever go hungry. With hunger affecting over 613,000 children in Florida alone, our mission is crucial.

When I originally joined in 2019, I was timid and did not want to talk to anyone, but over time, The Kind Mouse welcomed me with open arms and taught me the meaning of a kind heart and how to give back. Through programs like Mice In Training and MOUSEVision, we engage children and teens in public speaking, leadership, and philanthropy. 

Mice In Training, a unique initiative, allows children as young as five to pack food, run board meetings, and organize food drives. We are learning to run our own non-profit organization which has catapulted me to launching my own self-help book, winning an international title in pageants, and speaking at events with large audiences. As president, I strive to be a spark of hope and show kids that we are in this together. Whether packing non-perishable food or organizing pantry items, I am here to make a difference, not just to accumulate volunteer hours.

The hardest part of my journey has been stepping outside of my comfort zone. I vividly recall an unscripted public speaking event that truly tested my limits. But with the support of The Kind Mouse, I not only found my voice but also learned the power of sharing our mission.

From being featured on NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt, receiving a $1,000 scholarship award from 100 Good Guys, $2,000 from 10 Tampa Bay, to organizing food drives and my 4th annual Queens Feeding Kids event that filled over 2,300 meals in one day, I am continuously inspired to do more. Together with fellow volunteers, we have fed over a million tummies in the last 12 years.

COVID presented challenges, but through partnerships with the Pinellas County School Board and the Pack-a-Snack program, we continued to feed children in need year-round. I learned that hunger isn’t always visible—it could affect a friend, neighbor, or classmate. We ensure anonymity to maintain dignity for every child we serve.

We are kids feeding kids, giving children hope.

Pledge to Take Action