“Every child deserves a champion—an adult who will never give up on them, who understands the power of connection and insists that they become the best that they can possibly be.”– Rita Pierson
One caring adult can make all the difference in a young person’s ability to thrive. Raise the Future recently received a donation and the letter below from Seanryan, a teenage adoptee who is passionate about mechanics and engineering. We wish him – and his wonderful mom – all the best!
Last month I began seeking part-time employment and much to my excitement, an automobile service station in my town hired me! As I’ve become older, I began to realize how much I love mechanics and engineering – from installing doorknobs, to fixing stuff for my mom, to my love of aviation. Today, I’m learning how to work on automobiles. Next, I plan on enrolling in the Junior Aviation Program at Southern Utah University. My goal is to learn how to fly airplanes and helicopters. In the process, I also plan on learning the mechanics of aviation equipment.
Now that I am employed, I’m being taught a lot more about the importance of finances. My siblings and I all have bank accounts. When we were 13 years old, we opened our first accounts, and this summer I turn 16. Part of our “financial training” requires me to give ten percent (10%) of all my earned income to a not-for-profit, one that is important to me. If I’m being honest, I earned the money; I see money as a path to my future (and a way to fix my car). So giving my money away is not easy. My mom says, “We must learn to manage our money . . . Not allow money to manage us.” This must be one of those lessons I’ll completely understand and appreciate later . . . According to my mom.
The purpose of this letter is to share with others my age: I’m adopted! Even though, I was one of the lucky ones to be adopted as a baby, at one and a half years old. I came home at the age of five days old. My story was not a fairytale adoption. From the time I came home, I had struggles. My [biological] mom used drugs and alcohol during her pregnancy with me. When I was only six months old, I was diagnosed “on the spectrum,” and around age seven, Primary Children’s formally diagnosed me. Around the age of two to three years old, the doctors told my mom I’d never walk or talk. My mom pushed specialists to the limits! Trust me, many adults didn’t always like my mom, but she never let others give up on me! My mom still pushes me to my limits!
Since I was adopted, I want to donate to an organization that will support kids like me, helping them to find great parent(s). Although it’s not a lot of money, I want it to matter. My family is a big part of the reason I am successful as a person today; my future is strong because of those who care and love me.