When Jaxson Turner saw people on the street experiencing homelessness, he felt compelled to take action and help them. The 14-year-old Texas native soon decided to start N2Y2C – short for “Never Too Young to Care” – to meet the needs of underserved children, families, and veterans in his community.
Channel Kindness had an opportunity to speak to this incredible teen about his nonprofit work, his tips on helping others, and what’s giving him hope right now!
Channel Kindness: We love the name of your nonprofit! Why did you decide to name it that?
Jaxson: I decided to name my nonprofit N2Y2C – Never Too Young To Care – because I was 10 years old at the time. My thoughts were, “I was young and I cared.” It’s been proven that you can be any young age and care about the well-being of others.
CK: What’s the biggest lesson you’ve learned since you started this journey?
Jaxson: The biggest lesson I have learned since I started this journey is not to judge people. Many people stereotype with this idea of what homelessness looks like. It could be your very well-dressed coworker living at a homeless shelter who is in a crisis. I have learned to help without questioning. It is not my place to pick and choose whom I serve.
CK: What would you tell other kids who are trying to figure out how to help others but don’t exactly know how to start?
Jaxson: I would tell other kids who are trying to figure out how to help others, to start off with one thing that makes your heart feel happy. If you help one person, you’ve done something big! If someone tells you no; keep going until you find someone who says yes!
CK: Even though you run N2Y2C, you’re also a teen! How do you balance schoolwork with leading a nonprofit?
Jaxson: I balance school work with leading a nonprofit by trying to do events on the weekend. There are some things that I have to do, like meet and greets or social media before or after school. Then my homework and dinner.
CK: You must meet a lot of interesting people with your work! Have there been any memories that really stuck with you?
Jaxson: There are lots of memories that are stuck with me and still touches my heart. Each Christmas, I give each child at Samaritan Inn a new pair of shoes, coat, and socks. During my very first Christmas Project, I had a mom come to me in tears and tell me that her four children had never had new shoes before, and she thanked me. You never know a person’s story.
CK: Tell us more about your Back To School Event starting June 26! Why is having an educational aspect to your nonprofit important to you?
Jaxson: I will start my Back To School Project and serve the entire Collin County, TX. I sell lemonade at my traditional lemonade stand. This idea is so important to me because I saw firsthand how some of my classmates were embarrassed on the first day of school because their parents weren’t able to afford school supplies. I asked my barbers if they would like to give free haircuts. They each said yes. I believe it’s fair to say that kids perform better when they look good, feel good, and are prepared for the first day of school.
CK: There’s no doubt music helps make our days brighter! What song are you listening to on repeat right now?
Jaxson: “Let’s Get It Started” by Will. I. Am.
CK: There’s a lot going on in the world. What’s giving you hope right now?
Jaxson: My community gives me hope. A few months ago my Big Mother passed away from COVID right before my birthday. I had decided that I wouldn’t go any further with my charity. God nudged me to at least try. My community stepped in and became a voice for N2Y2C in a huge way. People started birthday fundraisers on Facebook in honor of my Birthday Project. It was amazing to see the outpour of love and support. They gave me hope and inspired me in a big way
CK: At Born This Way Foundation, we believe in the power of kindness! What does kindness mean to you?
Jaxson: Kindness is all around us. We should genuinely give it as often as we can. It doesn’t always take money or riches to be kind. We can also be kind by holding a door open or helping the elderly. I enjoy “Pay It Forward Friday.” I surprise someone and buy their meal. Sometimes a simple hello and a smile goes a long way. Kindness is necessary even to those who aren’t so nice. It’s my duty to be kind and help others because I always want to Make God Proud in everything that I do.
To learn more about how you can get involved in Never 2 Young 2 Care, visit n2y2c.org/ and don’t forget to follow Jaxson on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram!