Today’s #BeKind21 message is from Find Your Anchor.
My name is Ali, my pronouns are she, her, and hers, and I am the founder of Find Your Anchor. I am a firm believer in the power of little things – that the smallest act of kindness can change somebody’s world.
That is why, for your first #BeKind21 message, I am so proud to share about my organization Find Your Anchor, where we launch kindness in the form of little blue boxes. Each FYA box is packed with various materials designed to inspire, soothe and offer support – such as a deck of 52+ Reasons to Live cards, an infographic on depression, list of resources, a letter, posters, a bracelet, a sticker, some other sweet nothings, and a whole lot of good vibes.
Within each box, we also include the Please Stay Pledge, an interactive and accessible mental health resource, created in partnership with our dear friends at Born This Way Foundation.
We’ve built a community of strangers who offer support and believe selfless acts of kindness nourish our souls and strengthen our communities. Through kindness, we promote empathy and personal connection, lessening feelings of isolation.
We hope to inspire each of you to build acts of kindness into your lives with our gift of the #BeKind21 (printable) cards. Here’s a sneak peek of our cards:
Although no act of kindness is too small, we hope you enjoy these pocket-sized ideas to get you started spreading love.
Your kindness challenge today: Click here to access and print your 21+ Ways to Be Kind cards on 8.5 x 11 paper to carry with you, share with others, and serve as a reminder to show love to yourself and others. You never know who might need an uplifting message reminding them they matter and we need them to please stay.
Watch this video to learn more about Find Your Anchor:
In Kindness,
Find Your Anchor
P.S. Invite someone to join the challenge: