Today’s #BeKind21 message is brought to you by our partners at Random Acts.
At Random Acts, it is our mission to conquer the world one random act of kindness at a time. Kindness comes in all forms, large and small. That is an ethos we embrace — the idea that something you do could seem small for one person but have a significant impact on another. We also believe that kindness will give rise to more kindness.
Random Acts first learned of an immigrant family from Iraq, now living in Mid-Missouri, in the dead of winter. Their father had gone home to visit but was unexpectedly unable to return to the United States for an extended period of time. This left the mother and their nine children alone. Their home had only linoleum floors, with patches of cement showing through. Missouri winters are known for being unpredictable, with often bone-chilling temperatures. Through our Kindness Acts program, our staff was able to use funding to purchase plush, warm rugs for their family area, helping to bring comfort into their new home.
“The older children were so excited, they ran outside to meet me when I pulled up, eagerly helping me carry everything inside. Once we laid it all down, the youngest children ran their fingers through it, splayed out, and swung their arms and legs, as if making snow angels. Their mother kept thanking me repeatedly, as [a family friend] translated,” the staffer said of her visit.
We know that most people want to help others, but often do not know where to start. At Random Acts we provide inspiration and ideas.
Your kindness challenge today: Try to pay it forward for someone else in your community. Click here to learn more about Random Acts and even apply for funding to perform an act of kindness.
In Kindness,
Random Acts
P.S. Invite someone to join the challenge: