Today’s #BeKind21 message is brought to you by our friend Shannon Barry.
Hi, I’m Shannon! I’m a blogger who tells stories through poetry and prose on my Instagram.
When I first began posting my writing online, I noticed that most of my inspiration came in the form of long gushing letters about the people I love. It was easier to write about other people in their kindest possible light, because that was how I always chose to view them.
It wasn’t until I started viewing myself with the kindness of a friend that I began to see the best in myself in that very same way. I have written many love letters in my life, but the ones that remain the most cherished are the times I have written kindly to myself.
Your kindness challenge today: Write a letter to someone explaining how much they mean to you. It can be written out longhand, saved as a note in your phone that you never send, or as easy as firing off a text or two to your best friend. You can write to anyone you want.
Recognizing and verbalizing what you love about people takes practice, the same as anything else. But if you haven’t tried it before, let me just suggest starting with yourself.
In Kindness,
Shannon Barry
P.S. Invite someone to join the challenge: