Be There Certificate

July 21, 2021
This story took place in United States

Pledge to Take Action

We’re often asked to check in on our loved ones’ mental health, but often we may feel confused about how to start that conversation. That’s why we’ve partnered with our friends at to launch the Be There Certificate, a free, self-paced online course, available in English, French, and Spanish, designed to provide young people, and anyone, with the knowledge, skills, and confidence needed to support anyone who may be struggling with their mental health.

In just five minutes, you’ll learn the five Golden Rules to help you talk to someone about their mental health: say what you see, show you care, hear them out, know your role, and connect to help. And don’t forget to be there for yourself.

Empower yourself to have healthy conversations about mental health and learn how to support someone you love at!

Pledge to Take Action

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