Building your bundle is a phrase used by indigenous people usually related to sacred practice. A sacred bundle would consist of things like your medicines, drum, rattles, crystals, smudge bowl, talking stick/staff, and an eagle fan or feather. But I liked to build my bundle differently, today I want to talk about 5 ways you can build your bundle of support. I am going to share my 5 ways you can build your bundle. However, this can look different for you but let this be a moment for you to look at ways you can build yours.
- Where are my roots and foundation that keep my bundle grounded? Without a strong foundation sometimes, we can find ourselves lost and disoriented. So, finding those grounding principles that help us make roots is key to having a strong base to our bundle. Some ways that I do this is through affirmations, what keeps me grounded is having faith in myself, knowing that I am the maker of my own destiny and that I will always have my back. Some days this can be hard, but it is key to remember that to have a strong foundation you need to be your best cheerleader!
- What beliefs and practices do I want to keep and let go of to my bundle? Many of us have different beliefs, cultural practices, religious practices, or daily routines that we believe are beneficial to our well-being. These can be forever changing as time advances and one thing I learned and like to remember is that something that served me yesterday may not serve a purpose to me tomorrow, so let go of beliefs and practices that may no longer serve a purpose and open yourself up to new ways and learning, seeing, and believing. Holding onto something because this is what we have always known may not be benefiting us, some things aren’t made to stay in your bundle forever. So let go and make room for other things that may be better for you.
- What if I find it hard to be there for myself? Who am I looking out for? Sometimes we have days where we can be our own worst enemy and need outside support and you know what? That’s okay! A key component to a strong bundle is having support, someone there to listen to you when you are struggling and feel like your foundation is beginning to crumble. We all need someone to catch us when we fall and having a strong support system is so important. Whether that be friends, family, coworkers, therapists, teachers, and other support resources, we all need someone to listen to us at the end of the day. Just remember to keep positive healthy relationships, if they are not positive and helpful maybe it is time to reevaluate your support system and find better support.
- What are behaviours and outlooks I need to change/have to keep a strong bundle? Sometimes a little introspection is needed. For myself I always had a negative outlook, “well my life has always been this way, it’s never going to get better why change now?” That is just one example, but I had so many negative and harmful outlooks on my life and myself and for so long I let it cripple me from living for the good and seeing myself. After a hard long look, I finally took control and yes, I understand life isn’t all sunshine and rainbows, but I can for sure make my own. You are in charge of your own destiny, and it is hard to change the ways we think because it is all we know but putting the work in and taking value in you and what you do have is how you can make the best of even the worst days.
- Lastly treat others how you would want to be treated. Your bundle is for you but that doesn’t mean hide it away and don’t use the tools you have in it for others. Be kind, caring, and compassionate. They are called tools because they are to help the problem not become part of it. I learned that my bundle is what makes me a better person and by sharing it with you today I hope this helps you start building yours. Share love and kindness with everyone because it can take that one kind work, that one kind action to help someone realize it is time to start building their bundle.
I hope these 5 steps and insights help you begin to build your bundle and to remember what I share isn’t set in stone and the “way” to do this everyone bundle is different but I hope you can take some of these steps and learn how to make your bundle the way that serves you best and I encourage you when you are ready to share your bundles you made from this.